Clark County, Vancouver | featured news

Robinson: Why is GOP suddenly outraged over King’s racism?

Republicans are shocked, shocked, to learn that Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, is a dyed-in-the-wool racist. Also that snow is cold, the ocean is wet and the sky is often blue.
The clamor of GOP voices denouncing King’s latest racist eruption is more amusing than inspiring. Where have his Republican colleagues been all these years? Surely the “party of Lincoln” is aware that race has been the most divisive issue in our national history. Surely Republicans were aware of King’s toxic views, which he makes no attempt to hide. Why such an uproar now?


‘Phone, registration, insurance card’ coming soon?

Forget your purse or wallet when you left your house today?


Final season of ‘Homeland’ to arrive in June

Is “Homeland” doing a seventh season now or in the future?
The Showtime drama starring Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin aired its seventh season in 2018. The eighth season will arrive in June and will be the final season of the series. A Showtime executive called it “a richly written character study that is now ready for its natural conclusion.”


NYC mayor calls out MTV reality show

On Monday night, MTV will crack the proverbial champagne bottle over “Made in Staten Island,” a new series following a handful of young adults from the New York borough. The reality TV show follows the gritty struggle of the featured characters as they try to break away from family connections with organized crime. The show’s trailer hints at a true-life “Sopranos” vibe.
But that portrayal is not sitting well with everyone.
Last week, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted out his complaints about the program.


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