North Carolina, Wake County | featured news

UNC research: Body’s ‘bottleneck’ works against plague bacteria

UNC research: New view of how plague attacks victims…Click to Continue »


Weekly news quiz week ending 2/13

Test your knowledge of news events from the past week.Click to Continue »


Police kill man believed behind 2 fatal shootings in Copenhagen

Danish police shot and killed a man early Sunday who likely carried out shooting attacks at a free speech event and a synagogue in Copenhagen that left two people dead.Click to Continue »


Wake County school board to discuss equity and budget priorities

The Wake County school board will focus on the issues of equity and budget priorities at its Valentine Day’s winter retreat.Click to Continue »


Cajuns work toward a French Renaissance in Louisiana

“Qui c’est qui parle?” Jim Soileau asked, his baritone filling the studio of radio station KVPI and traveling across the Cajun prairie.Click to Continue »


Raw eggs and no husband since ’38 keep her young at 115

Celebrity came late to Emma Morano. Her routine life, in fact, might have raised barely an eyebrow were it not for the fact that she’s managed to hold on to…Click to Continue »


Tar Heel of the Week: Kendall Hill champions the sweet potato

In the past 20 years, Kendall Hill has been at the forefront of efforts to expand the state’s sweet potato industry, which has more than doubled in acreage in the…Click to Continue »


As dynasty’s son, Jeb Bush used his connections freely

Letters at the presidential libraries show he made frequent political requests while his father, George H.W. Bush, was in the White House…Click to Continue »


History of lynchings in the South documents nearly 4,000 names

The Equal Justice Initiative compiled an inventory of 3,959 victims of “racial terror lynchings” in 12 Southern states from 1877 to 1950. Now the group’s founder, Bryan Stevenson, wants to…Click to Continue »


SEANC silent after closed meeting to discuss confidence in board

After a meeting that included a challenge to the leadership of the state employees’ organization, no one would talk. It’s not clear whether former executive director attended.Click to Continue »


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