North Carolina, Wake County | featured news

A conversation with author Phil Klay

Serving with U.S. Marines in Iraq’s Anbar Province in 2007 and 2008, author Phil Klay explores how the war changed Americans who served there in his acclaimed book, “Redeployment.”Click to Continue »


Duke, UNC examine Malcolm X legacy

Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill are commemorating the 50th anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination this weekend with a national conference that looks at his life and teachings and his relevance…Click to Continue »


Timeline: Dan River coal ash spill

Duke Energy’s disclosure on Wednesday that it expects to pay $100 million to resolve a federal grand jury investigation stems from a 2014 coal ash spill into the Dan River…Click to Continue »


Heaters used to thaw pipes start Durham house fire

Propane heaters being used to thaw frozen water lines sparked a fire that heavily damaged a home in Durham on Friday morning, according to the fire department.Click to Continue »


Raleigh utilities director is leaving for Texas

John Carman, Raleigh’s public utilities director, will work his last day here on March 6, then become water director for Fort Worth in April.Click to Continue »


Johnston County drops using spring break for school makeup days

Can the Wake County school system learn from their neighbors in Johnston County, which dropped plans to cut into spring break to make up for this week’s snow days?Click to Continue »


Duke Energy's coal ash mishandling typical for utility industry

The filing of criminal charges against Duke Energy for mishandling coal ash waste is a highly unusual event in the utility industry. But far from being an industry outlier, Duke's…Click to Continue »


Federal probe appears to place blame with Duke Energy, not NC DENR

With Friday's announced agreement for Duke Energy to plead guilty to nine misdemeanor environmental crimes, and pay $100 million in fines and restoration, the year-long investigation seems to rest on…Click to Continue »


Wake County school system opens early transfer application period

The window is now open for Wake County families to seek early transfers for the 2015-16 school year. Wake's early transfer period allows families to apply to schools on a…Click to Continue »


Governors expect Atlantic coast seismic testing for oil and gas in about 18 months

Seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean could begin in a year and a half, and plans already are underway about whether coastal states will need more roads, refineries and other…Click to Continue »


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