Senate, Fiscal Cliff | featured news

Senate fiscal cliff deal now waits on House


House members were meeting to decide whether they would go along with the Senate's approval of a last-minute deal to pull the U.S. back from the so-called fiscal cliff.


House won't vote before midnight on 'cliff' deal


Agonizingly close to a New Year's Eve compromise, the White House and congressional Republicans agreed Monday to block across-the-board tax increases set for midnight, but held up a final deal as they haggled away the final hours of 2012


House and Senate sit on tax bills the other passed

Barack Obama

It may not sound like it from the rhetoric, but both the House and Senate have passed separate bills to delay big tax increases awaiting nearly every taxpayer next year if Congress and the White House can't agree on a plan to avert the "fiscal cliff."...


'Fiscal cliff' talks delay Geithner departure

Tim Geithner may soon leave the Treasury Department, but he is helping lead the "fiscal cliff" negotiations.


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