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Child Sex Abuse, Penn State.
Penn State University trustees on Monday named former FBI director and federal judge Louis Freeh to head an independent investigation into the child sex abuse scandal that has rocked the university.
Penn State's former coach has a treatable form of lung cancer, his son says. Paterno was fired last week after a former assistant was charged with abusing children.
Law enforcement officials wound up looking into the question of a Penn State cover-up in the Sandusky case... A critical break in the investigation of Jerry Sandusky came via a posting on the Internet: a random mention that a Penn State football coach, years before, might have seen something ugly, but kept silent.
Senh: By far, the most complete story on the Penn State scandal.
Penn State campus police and their counterparts in State College said Wednesday that they had no record of Mike McQueary reporting an alleged sexual assault by Jerry Sandusky on a 10-year-old boy in a campus shower. The details ran counter to McQueary’s claims in an e-mail to former teammates and made available to the Associated Press this week.
Newly released documents show deeper ties between the charity founded by alleged child rapist Jerry Sandusky and the judge who set his bail -- with the documents showing a top official at the charity raising campaign money in 2007 for the judge, MyFoxPhilly.com reported.
Over the past 30 years, politicians, sports stars and community leaders heaped praise on Jerry Sandusky and the charity he founded for troubled youngsters, The Second Mile. It was a model program, and the acclaimed football coach was its driving force....
Former Penn State assistant football Coach Jerry Sandusky could face a maximum prison sentence of 460 years if convicted of sexually abusing or molesting eight underage victims over a 14-year period, according to a criminal complaint filed last Friday that myfoxphilly obtained.