Deaths, Health Officials | featured news

Mystery disease kills 61 kids in Cambodia

Health officials in Cambodia are searching for the cause of a mystery disease that has killed more than 60 children over the past three months, the World Health Organization said Thursday.


Homicide drops off US list of top causes of death


For the first time in 45 years, homicide has fallen off the list of the nation's top 15 causes of death, government health officials said Wednesday.


Boy dies from ‘brain-eating amoeba’ in Va.

Boy dies from ‘brain-eating amoeba’ in Va.

Virginia health officials say a child has died of a brain infection from a microscopic bug, sometimes called a “brain-eating amoeba,” that lives in stagnant water. State epidemiologist Dr. Keri Hall declined to name the child, but the victim’s mother identified him as 9-year-old Christian Alexander Strickland of Henrico County. The boy died Aug. 5 and Hall received the autopsy results Friday confirming the cause of death as inflammation of the brain and its lining.

Senh: How does one prevent this from happening - other than not swimming in lakes?


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