Sales Tax, California Online Sales Tax Law | featured news

Tax on Amazon purchases in Calif. begins Saturday

Online retailer has tried to become all things to all consumers, but in California, it is about to take on a role it has fought against for years: tax collector.


California to target Web retailers for sales taxes

The California tax man cometh, and he's headed for the Internet. State tax collectors are preparing to crack down on renegade Internet merchants who don't collect sales taxes, and nearly 100 new state auditors, lawyers and other specialists are being hired to help over the next three years.


Amazon aims to have voters decide on sales-tax law

Amazon aims to have voters decide on sales-tax law

The online retailer wants voters to strike down the California law requiring the company to collect sales taxes. Wal-Mart, labor groups and other opponents could wage a costly, noisy battle against such a referendum. Escalating its fight to thwart a new levy on Internet purchases, says it will ask California voters to overturn a state law requiring all companies with operations or affiliates here to collect sales tax.


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