Republican Presidential Candidate, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Huntsman’s endorsement of Romney underscores strained relationship

On Monday, Mitt Romney finally got the Jon Huntsman endorsement he thought he’d long ago been promised.


Iowa Caucus Results 2012: Final Vote Count Could Show Rick Santorum Won, Not Mitt Romney

Iowa Caucuses: Mitt Romney vs. Rick Santorum

A final count of votes from the 2012 Iowa Caucus may show that Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum actually won over rival Mitt Romney. Romney was initially declared the winner of the Iowa Caucus, beating Santorum by a razor-thin margin of eight votes. However, certification of the caucus results -- a process that began the day after the caucus and will wrap up by the end of this week -- could show that Santorum was the official winner, the Washington Examiner reports.


Huntsman drops out, backs Romney

Jon Huntsman

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman will withdraw from the Republican presidential race Monday and endorse front-runner Mitt Romney, according to a senior official with the Huntsman campaign.

Senh: Mitt Romney's on a roll. He just got another endorsement from Jon Huntsman and one less rival.


The Caucus: Huntsman Says He Will Drop Bid for G.O.P. Nomination

Jon M. Huntsman Jr. told his advisers he intends to leave the Republican presidential race, a week before he had hoped to revive his campaign in the South Carolina primary.


Steve Colbert talks about presidential ambitions

Comedian Stephen Colbert says that just because his name won't appear on Saturday's ballot in South Carolina's Republican primary doesn't mean he couldn't become president, or even pope, someday....


Romney opens 21-point lead in South Carolina: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Mitt Romney: South Carolina

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has opened a wide lead over his rivals in the South Carolina primary election race, trouncing Newt Gingrich and gaining momentum in his march toward the party's nomination, a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows.


Gingrich to super PAC: Fix negative ad or take It down

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on Friday called on a well-heeled outside group supporting his candidacy to correct the inaccuracies in a half-hour film highly critical of GOP front-runner Mitt Romney's career as a venture capitalist or "pull it off the air and off the internet entirely."


The ridiculous things presidential candidates want you to believe about jobs

Job Creation Switch

Mitt Romney’s campaign would have you believe that every job lost over the past three years is President Obama’s fault. That includes the 820,000 jobs lost in January 2009, despite the fact that Obama didn’t become president until the 20th of the month. It includes the 726,000 jobs lost in February 2009, before any of Obama’s policies had gone into effect.


George W. and Laura Bush wanted Jeb to run

Laura Bush told a Florida audience that she and former president George W. Bush wanted his brother Jeb to run for president this year.


In South Carolina, Romney defends record at equity firm Bain

Mitt Romney

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended his leadership on Thursday of a private equity firm at the center of a raging campaign battle in South Carolina over whether while its chief executive he was a job killer.


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