Political Debate, Paul Ryan | featured news

Joe Biden Over Delivered in Debate Against Paul Ryan

Joe Biden

I had low expectations. After Barack Obama’s disappointing and deflating debate performance last week, there’s a lot of pressure for Joe Biden to deliver. That’s scary because the guy’s been known as a gaffe machine. And you never know how people perform under pressure.

At the get go, I thought Biden delivered big time. He had energy. He had fire. He took control of the debate.


Nielsen says 51.4 million watch VP debate

Paul Ryan debating Joe Biden wasn't quite the same television draw as Sarah Palin versus Biden was four years ago. An estimated 51.4 million people watched Ryan, the Republican challenger, debate Vice President Biden, a Democrat, on Thursday night, said Nielsen, the company that measures television audiences.


Biden had the edge in VP debate – Reuters/Ipsos poll

Joe Biden vs. Paul Ryan

Vice President Joe Biden came out on top of Thursday night’s vice presidential debate with Republican challenger Paul Ryan, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. The energetic Biden claimed a seven-point victory – 42 percent to 35 percent – among registered voters, with a similar margin among independents. Nearly a quarter of registered voters and about a third of independents were unsure who did a better job during the debate at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky.


Vice Presidential Debate Ratings: 43 Million Viewers In Preliminary Figures

No surprise here: Joe Biden versus Paul Ryan isn't as popular as Joe Biden versus Sarah Palin. Preliminary ratings for Thursday's vice presidential debate showed that about 43 million people tuned in to watch the coverage across six networks -- ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, MSNBC and CNN. (The numbers will be updated later to include viewing figures from other networks such as PBS and Fox Business Network.)


Vice Presidential Debate Transcript

The complete transcript of the 2012 vice presidential debate from Danville, Ky.


Poll: Joe Biden wins vice presidential debate [video]

Fifty percent of uncommitted voters polled after watching the vice presidential debate picked Joe Biden as the winner while 31 percent thought Rep. Paul Ryan won. Anthony Mason reports.


Biden, Ryan at each other on everything at debate

Vice Presidential Debate

At odds in an instant, Republican Paul Ryan cited the death of the U.S. ambassador in Libya as evidence Thursday night that the administration's foreign policy is unraveling. Vice President Joe Biden shot back in campaign debate, “That is a bunch of malarkey.”


Biden and Ryan face debate pressures

Joe Biden

While vice-presidential debates typically don't have much bearing on the presidential contest, tomorrow night's Joe Biden-vs.-Paul Ryan showdown has put pressure on both sides. Team Obama NEEDS a strong performance from Biden to make up for last week and change the subject; another bad outing by a member of the ticket and the Democratic handwringing could turn into a full-fledged panic. Meanwhile, Team Romney needs a solid outing from Ryan to keep up the momentum. As we wrote last week, consider tomorrow night Game 2 of a baseball playoff series. After ace Romney beat ace Obama in Game 1, Democrats are looking for their No. 2 starter, Biden, to even the score. And Republicans are looking to go 2-0. That's what at stake Thursday, and that's why there's more pressure on Biden than on Ryan.


Paul Ryan holes up in Oregon for VP debate prep

With a little more than a month to go before the vice presidential debate, Congressman Paul Ryan will endure his first full day of debate preparations Sunday.


Paul Ryan vs. Joe Biden debate night prep underway

Paul Ryan is already preparing for debate night -- the oratory showdown with Vice President Joe Biden that just might be the one to watch. After his soaring Republican convention speech, Ryan has been bragging a bit that as a congressman he is well-primed for the occasion.


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