Congress, Representative | featured news

Panel Finds Waters Didn't Violate Ethics Rules in Bank Case

Representative Maxine Waters, Democrat of California, did not violate House ethics rules when she contacted the Treasury Department in 2008 about a bank matter, a special investigator announced on Friday.


Aide: Rep. Jackson Home After Depression Treatment

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. has returned to his home in Washington after treatment for depression at Mayo Clinic, Jackson's chief of staff in suburban Chicago said Friday.


Todd Akin Controversy May Hurt Republican Chances

Representative Todd Akin’s remarks on rape have focused attention on the party’s agenda on restricting abortion rights, a politically volatile topic for Mitt Romney and other candidates.


Patrick Kennedy: Rep. Jackson in 'deep' depression

U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is in a "deep" depression and has "a lot of work" ahead of him on the road to recovery, former Rhode Island U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy said Thursday after visiting the hospitalized Chicago Democrat....

Senh: Is he really in "deep depression," our is he just trying to avoid jail for his involvement in the Blagojevich scandal?


Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. expected back from leave in weeks

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who disappeared on a secretive medical leave two months ago, is expected back home within a matter of weeks.


Anthony Weiner Longs for Second Chance in Politics, Friends Say

The former representative faces a major challenge in overcoming last year’s scandal over his lewd online behavior.


Barney Frank: Obama Made 'Mistake' With Health Care Push

Barney Frank

Rep. Barney Frank , D-Mass., said he advised President Obama against taking up health care reform following a special election in 2010 that changed Democrats' fortunes in the Senate, saying that he should have instead turned his focus to financial reform.


Rep. Bobby Rush chided for wearing hoodie on House floor for Trayvon Martin


The hoodie protests have arrived on the floor of the United States Congress. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) was chided and escorted from the House floor Wednesday morning for wearing a gray hoodie and sunglasses while delivering a rousing speech about the need for a full investigation in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.


NYC congressman Turner will enter GOP Senate race

Republican Rep. Bob Turner, facing elimination of his New York City congressional district, says he'll seek the Senate seat held by Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand. Turner's announcement Tuesday came just three days before New York Republicans will choose among Senate candidates. There are already three other Republicans seeking the nomination.


Michele Bachmann running for reelection

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced Wednesday morning that she will run for her fourth term in 2012. “I’m looking forward to coming back and bringing a strong, powerful voice to Washington, D.C.,” Bachmann told the Associated Press. The former presidential candidate’s future plans had been in some doubt. Redistricting could make her 6th district seat more competitive, and she spent much of the year in Iowa proclaiming herself “an Iowa girl” — not so helpful for winning an election in Minnesota.


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