Facebook Phone, Smartphone | featured news

‘Facebook phone’ rumors flare after company announces April 4 event

Facebook Phone - Fox News

Yes, this again. Facebook on Thursday sent out invitations for a press event that promised to show off the company’s “new home on Android,” which naturally led to fresh speculation about the company’s intention to produce its own Facebook-centric smartphone.


Report: Facebook making 'Buffy' phone

Report: Facebook making 'Buffy' phone

Facebook is working with HTC to develop a phone that has a much deeper integration with the social network than any previous "Facebook phone." That's according to a report from All Things D, which says the phone is probably 12 to 18 months away from hitting store shelves.

Senh: When this phone finally materializes, it'll mean more smartphone domination by Android since HTC and Facebook will use Google's Android as the operating system.


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