Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

GOP candidates assail Obama on Israel

Wading into a tense foreign policy dispute, Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney on Tuesday criticized the Palestinian Authority's effort to seek a formal recognition of statehood by the U.N. General Assembly. The GOP rivals also used the jockeying at the U.S. to assail President Barack Obama's policy toward Israel.


Ron Paul supporters hit Perry, Romney in new ad

A super PAC trying to help Texas Rep. Ron Paul is out with a new video deriding Rick Perry and Mitt Romney as "plastic men" and slamming the ...


Pawlenty endorses Romney in GOP race

Pawlenty endorses Romney in GOP race

Vanquished Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty endorsed contender Mitt Romney on Monday, calling the former Massachusetts governor the candidate who "possesses the unique qualifications to confront our severe economic predicament."


Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Aided by strong tea party support, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has surged in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, pushing former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney into second place and significantly diminishing the once-rising star of Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Mitt Romney to unveil jobs plan

Mitt Romney to unveil jobs plan

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will unveil his jobs plan in Las Vegas on Tuesday, the latest among Republican presidential hopefuls to come out with a proposal to grow the economy and boost employment.


The Caucus: Romney Plays Down Divisions Between Tea Party and G.O.P.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts told supporters that the gap between the Tea Party and traditional Republicans was not as wide as many people seem to believe.


Obama, Romney unveil jobs plans

Obama, Romney unveil jobs plans

Sarah Palin's got one. So does Jon Huntsman, while Michele Bachmann is starting to discuss hers in detail. Mitt Romney's going to show his Tuesday, followed by President Barack Obama on Thursday.


Mitt Romney shifts to right in move to head off Rick Perry

Mitt Romney appears to be trying to block Rick Perry's attempt to claim the Tea Party candidate mantle.


Romney campaigns in Perry territory

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took his economic message into the heart of Texas -- enemy territory -- on Tuesday, telling a San Antonio audience that "career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don't know how to get us out."


Mitt Romney to address Tea Party Express rally

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney is set to headline a major Tea Party rally on Labor Day. The former Massachusetts governor, who lags behind ...


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