Europe Debt, Europe Debt Crisis | featured news

Greek political system in chaos

Greece's center-right New Democracy party looks set to get the first chance to form a new government Monday, but party leader Antonis Samaras will have a complicated task after an election where angry voters punished politicians for backing harsh government budget cuts.


Angry Greeks vote in cliffhanger election

Angry Greek voters head to the polls on Sunday for an election shrouded in uncertainty that could reignite Europe's debt crisis and renew doubts about the country's future in the euro zone.


Unemployment Reaches Record High in Euro Zone

Euro Zone Unemployment

Unemployment rose to 10.9 percent in April, the 11th monthly increase in row, and is likely to add to tension ahead of national elections in Greece and France on Sunday.


Dow, S&P 500 Slip as Spain Enters Recession

Stock Market

News that Spain’s economy entered another recession renewed worries about the fragility of Europe’s finances on Monday and nudged stocks lower. The Dow Jones industrial average slipped 35 points to 13,192 shortly after noon Eastern.


Analysis: S&P throws Spanish banking crisis into sharp relief

Spain's latest credit rating downgrade has thrown into sharp relief the need to revive a banking sector that could need another 100 billion euros to cover bad debts in order to avoid exposing another weak flank in the euro zone crisis.


US stocks slide on economic tremors from Europe

Stock Market

Stocks fell sharply Monday morning with new worries about Europe. A collection of worrying news out of Europe sent stocks sharply lower on Monday. The Dutch government collapsed Monday, a day after French President Nicolas Sarkozy lost the first round of that country's presidential election to a Socialist candidate. A new report showed that European government debt continues to pile up despite severe budget cuts, which have led to unrest and political upheaval across the continent.


EU says no plans to activate funds for Spanish banks

Spain Bailout?

The European Union has no plans to activate its emergency funds to recapitalize Spanish bank and Spain had no need to appeal for funds to do so, the European Commission said on Thursday.


Italy shifts priority from austerity to growth

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti declared on Wednesday that reviving economic growth now had to take priority over belt tightening that could plunge the country deeper into recession.


Stocks extend slide to 5 days, longest this year

stock market

The stock market extended its longest and deepest slump of the year Tuesday, caught between a recurring nightmare of European debt and the beginning of uncertain corporate earnings reports at home. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 213.66 points, its biggest decline of the year and third triple-digit loss...


Why Spain’s now threatening to drag down Europe

Spain Debt

Just when we thought the euro crisis had subsided for a bit, Spain is bursting back up as a trouble spot. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said the country is “facing an economic situation of extreme difficulty.” Spain is struggling to borrow money and can’t hit its deficit targets.


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