House Of Representatives, Republican | featured news

House Republicans reserve $18 million for ads

John Boehner

House Republicans are reserving more than $18 million in ad time as they look to protect their majority... As with House Democrats, who announced $32 million in ad reservations earlier this year, the NRCC could shift its spending or increase it. But the ad reservations offer an early idea of where Republicans think they will play offense and defense.


Boehner Aide Receives $100K From Medical Device Lobby Group Before Overseeing Tax Repeal of Industry

John Boehner

The tax, originally part of the Affordable Care Act, was set up to pay for an expansion in health programs to cover the uninsured in America, which studies have linked to over 45,000 deaths a year.


GOP plan boosts Pentagon, cuts social programs

Paul Ryan

The Republicans who control the House are using cuts to food aid, health care and social services like Meals on Wheels to protect the Pentagon from a wave of budget cuts come January....

Senh: Great, in a time of need, let's throw more money into wars that we don't care about and take out services for the needy.


John Boehner on GOP House majority: 'We've got a fight on our hands'

At a closed door meeting with rank-and-file Republicans, House Speaker John A. Boehner reiterated his concerns the party could lose control of the House majority this fall, giving his troops file a sober reminder of the challenge ahead.


Eric Cantor, House majority leader, backs Mitt Romney for president

Eric Cantor

Eric Cantor, the second-ranking Republican in the House, threw his support behind Mitt Romney just days before the marquee day of the GOP presidential nominating race -- Super Tuesday.


Michele Bachmann running for reelection

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced Wednesday morning that she will run for her fourth term in 2012. “I’m looking forward to coming back and bringing a strong, powerful voice to Washington, D.C.,” Bachmann told the Associated Press. The former presidential candidate’s future plans had been in some doubt. Redistricting could make her 6th district seat more competitive, and she spent much of the year in Iowa proclaiming herself “an Iowa girl” — not so helpful for winning an election in Minnesota.


US Republicans in climbdown on payroll tax deal

Payroll Tax Deal

House of Representatives Republican Speaker John Boehner has agreed to accept a bipartisan deal to extend a payroll tax cut, in an abrupt U-turn. He had refused a vote on the bill, which was passed by Republicans and Democrats in the Senate last Saturday. Correspondents say the move amounts to a cave-in by House Republicans, and victory for President Barack Obama.

Senh: Finally, a victory for Obama. This whole political episode just makes the House look bad.


Boehner, GOP ready to talk -- but Democrats not biting

House Speaker John Boehner and his team of GOP negotiators gathered around a conference table in the Capitol on Wednesday to show they were hard at work -- although they have no one to negotiate with, not even Senate Republicans.


House rejects payroll tax stopgap

John Boehner: Payroll Tax Cuts

Republicans in the House on Tuesday rejected the Senate's two-month extension of an expiring payroll tax cut, and moved toward initiating formal talks with Democrats on a final deal.


AP Sources: House GOP bill renews jobless benefit


Republican officials say legislation being drafted in the House would renew an expiring program of unemployment benefits at a time of 9 percent joblessness. The measure also would extend a Social Security payroll tax cut. Both are due to expire at the end of the year. The officials say the cost of provisions will be offset to avoid increasing the deficit.


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