Fema, Storm | featured news

Officials and experts praising FEMA for its response to Hurricane Sandy

Following Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, FEMA became a national punching bag, ridiculed for its slow and cumbersome response to the disaster along the Gulf Coast. In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy this week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its administrator W. Craig Fugate are garnering more positive reviews from public officials in northeastern states hit by the superstorm, as well as from disaster-management experts.


Hurricane Irene: East Coast urged to heed evacuation warnings

Hurricane Irene: East Coast urged to heed evacuation warnings

Don't play the hero. That's the message from FEMA as officials warn that Hurricane Irene could prompt widespread evacuation orders up and down the East Coast. Residents have been urged to heed those orders, for their safety and the safety of emergency workers.


FEMA may put storm victims in foreclosed homes

FEMA may put storm victims in foreclosed homes

The federal government is exploring how to put Florida hurricane evacuees in foreclosed homes if a Katrina-like storm devastates ...


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