Cia, Extramarital Affair | featured news

Petraeus making first speech since leaving CIA

Former CIA director David Petraeus is making his first public speech since resigning in November over an extramarital affair. The former four-star general is scheduled to speak Tuesday night at a University of Southern California event honoring the military.


Petraeus mistress had substantial classified data on computer: sources

Paula Broadwell

A computer used by Paula Broadwell, the woman whose affair with CIA Director David Petraeus led to his resignation, contained substantial classified information that should have been stored under more secure conditions, law enforcement and national security officials said on Wednesday.


FBI agents search house of Petraeus' former mistress

Paula Broadwell

FBI agents searched the North Carolina house of Paula Broadwell on Monday, signaling renewed activity in the investigation that revealed her extramarital affair with CIA Director David Petraeus that led to his resignation.


In speech, Paula Broadwell raised Benghazi details

In October, Paula Broadwell, the woman at the center of the David Petraeus adultery case, spoke publicly about events surrounding the Benghazi attack that appeared to go beyond what was in the public record at the time.


Official identifies 2nd woman in Petraeus affair

David Petraeus

Emails sent to Jill Kelley triggered the FBI investigation of CIA Director David Petraeus. Members of Congress want more details about the probe... Members of Congress said Sunday they want to know more details about the FBI investigation that revealed an extramarital affair between ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and his biographer, questioning when the retired general popped up in the FBI inquiry, whether national security was compromised and why they weren't told sooner.


Friend: Petraeus began affair after taking CIA job

Retired Gen. David Petraeus began an affair with his biographer in 2011, two months after he became CIA director, a friend and former top aide said Monday.


Spokesman: Cantor knew of affair

House majority leader Eric Cantor talked to an FBI official in late October about former CIA Director David Petraeus' involvement in an affair, a spokesman for the congressman told CNN Sunday.


Congress wants answers from FBI, CIA on Petraeus

Paula Broadwell

The career of David Petraeus, the CIA director and renowned general, was derailed by allegedly vicious emails his paramour sent to another woman. Now the CIA, FBI and White House face questions from Congress about Petraeus' love life and how his emails came under investigation.


Petraeus' biographer Paula Broadwell: Who is she?

Paula Broadwell

Paula Broadwell first met fellow West Point graduate David Petraeus in the spring of 2006, when she was a graduate student at the Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.


FBI probe of Petraeus triggered by e-mail threats from biographer, officials say

David Petraeus

The collapse of the impressive career of CIA Director David H. Petraeus was triggered when a woman with whom he was having an affair sent threatening e-mails to another woman close to him, according to three senior law enforcement officials with knowledge of the episode.


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