Democrats, Senate Race | featured news

Democrats keep control of Senate

Democrats will retain their control of the Senate after winning several closely contested races on Tuesday.


New England shapes up as Dem firewall for Senate

Senate Race

Democrats are counting on their New England friends to help them pick up Republican-held Senate seats on Nov. 6 and construct a barrier against losses in Nebraska and elsewhere that could erase their majority.


Democrats keep control of the Senate, CNN projects

Democrats keep control of the Senate, CNN projects

Riding a wave of voter discontent, Republicans picked up six Senate seats Tuesday but fell short in their bid to wrest control of the upper house from Democrats and oust Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, CNN projected, based on its analysis of exit poll data.


Dem. Meek denies he'll quit 3-way Fla. Senate race

Dem. Meek denies he'll quit 3-way Fla. Senate race

Florida's three-way Senate race grew testier Friday as the last-place Democratic candidate denied claims that former President Bill Clinton had advised him to drop out, saying the idea came instead from his independent rival, Gov. Charlie Crist...


Poll shows Dem's lead widening in Del. Senate race

Despite a spate of television ads aimed at reintroducing her to voters, Republican Senate hopeful Christine O'Donnell of Delaware has failed to chip away at Democratic nominee Chris Coons' strong lead, according to a new poll. She even may be going backward.


Obama dazzles Democratic crowds but is it enough?

Obama dazzles Democratic crowds but is it enough?

President Barack Obama, dashing through the U.S. West to campaign for endangered Democrats, proved he still has plenty of star power but it's far from clear that's enough to rescue his party from an election disaster.


Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

President Barack Obama will aim his economic message at women voters as he campaigns on the West Coast for two female candidates crucial to Democrats' chances of keeping their fragile majority in the U.S. Senate.


Obama and Democrats count on Senate wins out West

Obama and Democrats count on Senate wins out West

With Republicans headed to big election gains on November 2, Democrats are counting on the liberal-leaning West Coast to counter the national trend and help them preserve their fragile Senate majority.


Democrats gaining a foothold on well-heeled Republicans, polls show

Democrats in Connecticut and New York are reasserting their traditional edge over GOP candidates who just weeks ago were making it a tight race. There's more: Democrats have made gains in Washington, Delaware and California, and could retain their seats in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Nevada.


Barbara Boxer Pulling Away in California

It's been a rough year for Democrats, but there has been one recent ray of sunshine for the party: Barbara Boxer's polling numbers. Boxer spent most of the cycle around 45 percent in the RCP Average, and by mid-August had dropped to 43.8 percent. Her numbers recovered in September but so did her opponent's -- at one point Fiorina was within .3 points of Boxer in the RCP Average. This is very, very dangerous territory for any incumbent.


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