Kids, Swine Flu | featured news

800,000 doses of kids' swine flu vaccine recalled

800,000 doses of kids' swine flu vaccine recalled

Health officials are recalling hundreds of thousands of doses of swine flu vaccine after tests indicated they may not be potent enough to protect against the virus....


Younger kids need 2 swine flu shots

Younger kids need 2 swine flu shots

Studies of the new swine flu vaccine show children 10 and older will need just one shot for protection against swine flu — but younger kids will need two.


Kids may be first in line for swine flu shots

Kids may be first in line for swine flu shots

Schoolchildren may be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and might even be able to get the shot right at school.


Little Boy at the Center of Storm

The 5-year-old from a village in Mexico identified as the earliest swine flu case says, "I feel good."


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