fired, lapd The taxonomy view with a depth of 0. en Record $1 million reward posted for fugitive ex-Los Angeles cop <p>A record $1 million reward was posted on Sunday for information leading to the capture of a fugitive former Los Angeles cop suspected of targeting police officers and their families in three killings committed in retaliation for his 2008 firing.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> news u.s. christopher dorner ex-lapd manhunt fired lapd manhunt middle police shooting reward shootings Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:01:56 -0500 senh 17526243 at
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<description><p>A record $1 million reward was posted on Sunday for information leading to the capture of a fugitive former Los Angeles cop suspected of targeting police officers and their families in three killings committed in retaliation for his 2008 firing.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p></description>
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