Grocery, Retail | featured news

Supermarkets start bagging self-serve checkouts

When Keith Wearne goes grocery shopping, checking out with a cashier is worth the few extra moments, rather than risking that a self-serve machine might go awry and delay him even more....

Senh: I actually like those things. As soon as you get the hang of it and know what kind of things you shouldn't checkout there, it's very convenient.


Wal-Mart Tests Home Delivery of Groceries

The retailer launched the new service in San Jose, Calif., as it seeks to adapt to competitive threats from and others.


Walmart sets sights on new target — Whole Foods

Walmart sets sights on new target — Whole Foods

For decades, the Walmart brand meant low, low prices. The big box chain is now going toe to toe with high-end grocery stores by offering high-quality from local small farms.


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