Gloria Allred, 2012 Presidential Election | featured news

Judge unseals Romney testimony but won’t lift gag order--Attorney Allred accuses him of lying under oath.

A Boston judge has ruled to unseal testimony by Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) in a case that has been taken up by high-profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. According to the Boston Globe, the court will be making the Romney testimony transcripts available Thursday afternoon, transcripts that Allred claims will show that Romney lied under oath.


Allred says new woman to accuse Cain

Allred says new woman to accuse Cain

Leaving little to the imagination, a Chicago-area woman on Monday accused Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain of making a crude sexual advance more than a decade ago when she was seeking his help finding a job. "Come clean," Sharon Bialek challenged Cain at a news conference in New York at which she described herself as "a face and a voice" to support other accusers who have so far remained anonymous.

Senh: Now that Gloria Allred's involved, this is officially getting into Jerry Springer territory. It's also entering Tiger Woods territory too. This is the 4th alleged victim that Herman Cain has sexually harassed.


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