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Twitter Now Getting More Traffic Than MySpace

Twitter Now Getting More Traffic Than MySpace

Twitter’s number of monthly unique visitors finally surpassed that of MySpace in August. Though it ranked third among social networking sites, Twitter ranked #50 in the list of top 50 properties overall. The numbers were crunched by the marketing research firm comScore.

Senh: They consider Windows Live a social network? That's a first.


Twitter may have peaked on tweeters

It was the upstart rock star of the Internet in early 2009, roaring out of relative obscurity to become one of the most exposed -- some would say overexposed -- services on the Web.


No Pick-Up In Twitter’s U.S. Traffic In November

Twitter’s U.S. traffic rose by a little over 100,000 visitors, to 19.37 million unique visitors from 19.24 million unique visitors in October. It’s no surprise that Twitter’s U.S. growth is stalling as the numbers have indicated this pattern for some time.


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