Climate Change, Florida | featured news

Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-science purge begins: State employee banned for uttering ‘climate change’

Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-science purge begins: State employee banned for uttering ‘climate change’

A Florida state employee has been reprimanded and told not to come to work after Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) administration banned the use of the terms “climate change” and “global warming.” Earlier this month, reports said that officials in the Scott administration ordered Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administrators not to use the terms in documents or meetings because they asserted that the climate science behind global warming was not a “true fact.”

Senh: Talk about being a narrow-minded administration. If Rick Scott doesn't believe that "global warming" or "climate change" exist, fine, but at least allow people to discuss it. I wonder when global warming became a politicized topic: was it after Al Gore, a Democrat, made "An Inconvenient Truth?"


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