Parenting, Mobile | featured news

Young adults still on parents' cell phone plan

As teenagers demand independence and eventually move out, they’re not always quick to cut the cord when it comes paying their own cell phone bill. Among 620 parents with 18- to 35-year-old children, more than 40 percent of those surveyed said they still pay for their kids’ cellphone service, and 29 percent were still doing so even if their children no longer lived at home.


52 percent of kids under age 8 have access to mobile media

52 percent of kids under age 8 have access to mobile media

Mobile devices have become mini-pacifiers/babysitters for many wee ones: 52 percent of all children 8 and younger have access to mobile devices at home like a smartphone, video iPod, iPad or other tablet, according to Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group that studies children’s use of technology.

Senh: It's tough to keep our smartphones or tablets away from them. It feels so intuitive to them. They can get their hands on it and instantly interact with it. Let's just hope the radiation emitted from these devices don't cause much harm to their little developing brains.


Apple Faces Scrutiny Over In-App Purchases By Kids

Apple Faces Scrutiny Over In-App Purchases By Kids

While publishers are grumbling about Apple’s new enforcement of in-app purchases for content, parents and one lawmaker are also raising questions about the way Apple handles in-app payments in apps aimed at children. According to the Washington Post, Rep. Edward J. Markey (D – MA) on Tuesday urged the Federal Trade Commission to review the way Apple markets its apps because of questions about the ease with which children are buying items in games.

Senh: Sure, none of the developers knew about his.


Kids Go On Expensive Buying Sprees In iPhone Games

Kids Go On Expensive Buying Sprees In iPhone Games

"The Smurfs' Village," a game for the iPhone and other Apple gadgets, was released a month ago and quickly became the highest-grossing application in the iTunes store. Yet it's free to download.So where does the money come from? Kelly Rummelhart of Gridley, Calif., has part of the answer. Her 4-year-old son was using her iPad to play the game and racked up $66.88 in charges on her credit card without knowing what he was doing.


Average teen texts 3,339 times monthly

If you needed more proof that texting is on the rise, here's a stat for you: the average teenager sends over 3,000 texts per month. That's more than six texts per waking hour.


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