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Abnormal placenta may reveal newborn's autism risk

Autism - Fox News

As of today, there are no definitive tests to measure a child’s risk for developing autism. Since early intervention and therapy is key for at-risk children, such a test could be critical for managing the early development of a child.


Video: Girl, 9, gives birth in Mexico

9 yr-old Gives Birth

Police in Mexico are searching for the baby's teen father.


Health roundup: IVF treatments linked to birth defects

In Vitro Fertilization

Babies born after in vitro fertilization have an increased risk of birth defects, the latest study shows.


Is trademarking a baby name going too far?

Baby names. When did it all get so cutthroat and complicated? In the good old days, you just sat down with a piece of paper, and possibly a baby book, and made a list of choices.


A Baby's First 1,000 Days Shape Health For Life


It's now official -- the first 1,000 days of your life -- conception to your second birthday is what decides how healthy or brainy you will be the rest of your life. For mothers force-feeding their teenage children with "healthy food" or pushing them to go out to play, scientific evidence now clearly proves that what a mother eats while pregnant influences the child's memory, concentration, judgement, intellect, mood and emotions.


Chinese couples come to U.S. to have children through surrogacy


China does not permit surrogate parenting, but that country's rising affluence has given many couples the option of using U.S. surrogacy clinics. Americans have long gone to China to adopt babies.


One Sperm Donor, 150 Brothers and Sisters

One Sperm Donor, 150 Brothers and Sisters

As the number of children born through artificial insemination increases, concern is growing about having many children fathered by the same donors.


Parents Outraged Over Schools' Secret Abortions

Parents Outraged Over Schools' Secret Abortions

New Zealand parents are outraged after learning some schools are helping to keep teenage girls’ abortions a secret, the Sunday Star-Times reports. One mom is angry that her 16-year-old daughter had a secret abortion allegedly arranged by a school counselor.


March babies more likely to have autism

A new study finds that children conceived in March are significantly more likely to have autism.


Pesticide exposure in womb linked to low IQ

Pesticide exposure in womb linked to low IQ

Three independent studies released today tracked 400 children. Those who were most heavily exposed to pesticides in utero showed up to a 7-point ...


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