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Here's Why The Unpaid Bloggers Suing Arianna Huffington For $105 Million Don't Deserve A Penny

Here's Why The Unpaid Bloggers Suing Arianna Huffington For $105 Million Don't Deserve A Penny

The understanding was Arianna provided the platform, I provided the content, and the hope was (on my part anyway) that at some point the combination of the two would land me a paying gig, or up my profile (or in the case of people I know, up their consulting fees and/or land them publishing deals) etc.


AOL Likely To Acquire Mashable, World's Largest Tech Blog

AOL Likely To Acquire Mashable, World's Largest Tech Blog

AOL is currently in talks to acquire Mashable, the world's largest technology blog. A sale to the content-obsessed internet company would mean Mashable's 24-year-old founder Pete Cashmore really would have everything.


Yahoo! Will Kill MyBlogLog Next Month

5 years to the month after it was founded, cross-blog social networking widget MyBlogLog will be closed down by Yahoo! in January, we're hearing from sources close to the project. MyBlogLog is a service that shows blog writers and readers the faces and profile information of other MyBlogLog users that visit their sites.


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