Apple, Electronics | featured news

Hassle free JailbreakMe Returns for iOS 4 Devices

JailbreakMe - a new jailbreak for iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0 based devices has arrived with a bang. Developed by c0mex, the same guy who came out with first iPad jailbreak Spirit, the new JailbreakMe solution is a Mobile Safari based remote jailbreak.


Porn Industry Cashing in on iPhone 4’s Video Chat

It was only a matter of time before the porn industry took advantage of Face Time on the iPhone 4.


Amazon Introduces $139 Kindle With Wi-Fi as It Competes With Apple's IPad Inc. Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos cut prices and added features to the Kindle to defend it against a threat from Apple Inc. in the fast- growing market for electronic readers. Amazon introduced two new versions of the device today, including a $139 model that works with Wi-Fi. A second version, with 3G mobile technology as well as Wi-Fi to download books, costs $189. Bloomberg News reported details in May about Amazon’s plans for the Kindle, its bestselling product.


Ruling Allows ‘Jailbreaking’ of iPhones

Ruling Allows ‘Jailbreaking’ of iPhones

Owners of the iPhone will be able to break electronic locks on their devices in order to download applications that have not been approved by Apple.

Senh: It's not like people aren't already doing this. As long as people are jailbreaking the iPhone just for the unapproved software, and not to download software in the App Store for FREE. I'm surprised they let this through. I hope this means people can finally download competing software with Apple - like FireFox, Opera Mobile, and ... drum roll ... Flash.


India unveils prototype of $35 tablet computer

India unveils prototype of $35 tablet computer

It looks like an iPad, only it's 1/14th the cost: India has unveiled the prototype of a $35 basic touchscreen tablet aimed at students, which it hopes to bring into production by 2011.

Senh: If they can make it, it would be awesome. As long as it has internet access with 3G and Wifi, it's good enough. We'll see.


Apple's white iPhone 4 delayed, in latest headache

Apple's white iPhone 4 delayed, in latest headache

Customers will not be able to get their hands on Apple Inc's white iPhone 4 until later this year, the company said on Friday, conceding that making the model has proven surprisingly difficult.

Senh: I don't get it. Why is it so much harder to make a white version? Are they trying to fix the antenna issue before shipping them? Someone enlighten me, please.


Apple reports $3.25 billion profit on strong iPhone sales

Apple on Tuesday reported a $3.25 billion profit for its fiscal third quarter of 2010.

Senh: Very impressive. I wonder how the recent iphone 4 antenna issues affected sales. Still, gotta give it to Steve Jobs. The guy just keeps on creating one innovative product after another.


iPad Saves Bookbinder

iPad Saves Bookbinder

How a San Francisco start-up revived an old art form with the help of Apple's newest innovation. It almost seems backwards. A bookbinding business thriving not only in a down economy, but in the new age where Amazon’s Kindle, the iPad and other digital reading platforms are becoming a more popular way to consume information versus print.

Senh: Very cool. If I buy an iPad, I would buy one of these cases. Hell, I might buy an iPad just so I can stick it in one of these cases. The bookbinding business owner said he lost most of his business to overseas companies in the 80's and 90's, and the iPad is saving them. You can't help but think for how long? Once this becomes popular, it's just a matter of time before China starts mass producing them for a cheaper price.


RIM, HTC, Nokia want no part of Apple's "self-made debacle"

RIM, HTC, Nokia want no part of Apple's

Apple's competitors are displeased at having their products singled out by Steve Jobs during Friday's press conference.


RIM says Apple claims about BlackBerry unacceptable

RIM says Apple claims about BlackBerry unacceptable

Apple Inc appears to be deliberately distorting the issues surrounding the iPhone 4's antenna design by asserting that Research In Motion's BlackBerry has similar reception problems, RIM said.


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