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Microsoft, RIM Strike Search Deal

Microsoft, RIM Strike Search Deal

Microsoft said its Bing search engine and mapping service will be the default options for Research In Motion's BlackBerry devices.


Nokia to Cut 7,000 Jobs in Cost-Cutting Move

The 12 percent reduction in the leading cellphone maker’s global work force will help trim operating costs by 1 billion euros as it prepares for its alliance with Microsoft.


Nokia, Microsoft in pact to rival Apple, Google

Nokia, Microsoft in pact to rival Apple, Google

Technology titans Nokia and Microsoft are combining forces to create smart phones that might challenge rivals like Apple and Google and revive their own fortunes in a market they have struggled to keep up with.


First Windows Phone 7 Devices Go On Sale: Full Reviews

First Windows Phone 7 Devices Go On Sale: Full Reviews

The first three US phones running Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 OS go on sale today, with the Samsung Focus (4 stars) and HTC Surround (3 stars) debuting on AT&T and the HTC HD7 (3.5 stars) becoming available on T-Mobile. All three phones cost $199 with ...


Asustek To Unleash Tablets Powered By Microsoft, Google, Intel, And Nvidia Against The iPad

Asustek To Unleash Tablets Powered By Microsoft, Google, Intel, And Nvidia Against The iPad

Unleash the tablet PCs! Asustek is planning on launching a whole pack of tablets. As Joe Stalin once said, sometimes quantity has a quality all its own. Research In Motion’s Playbook tablet is coming early next year. Samsung will start selling the Galaxy Tab in November. Now Asustek Computer President Jerry Shen says he plans to launch five — FIVE! — tablets next year. Take that Steve Jobs.


AT&T Dedicating Wall In Every Store To Windows Phone 7

AT&T demonstrated its support of Windows Phone 7 (WP7) at the software’s official launch on Oct. 11. The carrier will introduce four different WP7 phones before the end of the year, making it Microsoft’s chief launch partner in the U.S.


Microsoft CEO bonus cut for Kin flop, lack of iPad rival

A new Microsoft SEC filing published late Thursday revealed that the company punished its CEO Steve Ballmer for his inability to turn around the company's struggling mobile efforts so far. The proxy statement notes that his total compensation of $1.35 million, including a $670,000 base salary and a matching bonus, was lower than in 2008 due to the "unsuccessful launch of the Kin" and "a loss of market share" for Windows Mobile. The Compensation Committee singled out the absence of a real Windows tablet rival through a need to "take advantage of new form factors."


Microsoft Looking For A Few Good iPad Users… To Study

Microsoft Looking For A Few Good iPad Users… To Study

Companies do all kinds of studies all the time for all sorts of reasons. Seeing as the iPad is currently one of the hottest devices on the market, it should be no surprise that companies want to know about how users are using it.


Ballmer: Windows 7 Slates Coming Soon

Ballmer: Windows 7 Slates Coming Soon

In an effort to counter Apple's iPad-fueled momentum in the personal computing market, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said his company plans to introduce a full range of Windows 7-based slate PCs "over the course of the next several months."

Senh: This will probably be the end of netbooks - iPad running windows 7. There's something about being able to hold onto something and moving things around with your fingers. The only drawback is typing, but I think it can be solved if Swype makes a version for tablet computers. With multi-touch being the wave of the future, I wonder if people will start developing calluses on their fingers. I'm already at that stage with my HTC HD2. I had to take a break from using Swype to type.


Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft is claiming that retailers are seeing “unprecedented demand” for the redesigned Xbox 360.


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