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BingTweets: Microsoft Launches a Twitter Search Engine

BingTweets: Microsoft Launches a Twitter Search Engine

Microsoft, in cooperation with Federated Media and Twitter, launched its own full-blown Twitter search engine today. BingTweets mashes up real-time Twitter search with results from Bing, Microsoft's new and increasingly popular search engine.


Twitter Expanding Executive Team: Hires General Counsel From Google, Looking For CFO

Twitter has hired Alexander Macgillivray, Google's associate general counsel for Product and IP, as their new General Counsel, we've confirmed.


MySpace Takes Entertainment Tack

News Corp. is planning to position its MySpace unit as a Web site for accessing entertainment and related information, amid tough competition from Facebook.


Murdoch, Google Eye Twitter As Moguls Gather In Sun Valley

Murdoch, Google Eye Twitter As Moguls Gather In Sun Valley

As the media world's most powerful figures gather in Sun Valley, Idaho to discuss the state of the industry the topics are likely to range far and wide. But aside from subjects like the economy and the influence of the internet, one question is likely to dominate conversations among the event's moguls and millionaires: will anyone broker a deal to buy Twitter?


Facebook’s Twitterification: Is it the Right Move?

It’s tough to argue against the perception that Facebook’s been on a Twitter emulation spree. In the last month alone they announced public content sharing, profile fans, real-time search, and brand new privacy changes. All of this seems to be an attempt to directly confront the Twitter threat.


Twitter To Developers: “Tweet” Your Heart Out, But Don’t “Twitter” It

There's been quite a bit of controversy over the past several hours over words and images related to Twitter being used by third-party developers. Yesterday, Twitter seemed to threaten one party over the use of the word "tweet" and some UI elements that were similar to Twitter's own.


Celebrity death rumors spread online

After a string of real celebrity deaths last week, the Internet and online social networks killed a few more stars.


Google's Social-networkng 'Hero' Mobile Set to Topple iPhone

Google's Social-networkng 'Hero' Mobile Set to Topple iPhone

Google are expected to unveil a social-networking mobile phone today, which integrates online-sharing sites Twitter and Facebook and Flickr into its software.


'Retweets are new currency on Web'

An avid Twitter user, Alana Taylor wrote a song about the social networking site and uploaded it to YouTube last April. Soon, her Twitter feed became flooded with messages linking to it.


Social sites get around Iran censors

With traditional reporting silenced and with e-mail and Web services shut down, much of the information about the election protests in Iran was coming through social media sites.


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