Technology, Christmas | featured news

Google error cancels Christmas

Android App

Is Google in a hurry to get 2012 over with? Probably not. But that didn't stop the snarky headlines after it was discovered that a buggy app in the new version of Google's mobile operating system omits the month of December. The People app lets users bookmark friends' birthdays and other important dates on a calendar. But some users of Android 4.2, the system's newest update, are complaining they can't note December dates in the app because its calendar skips from November to January. December simply does not exist.


Retailers bank on Kindle Fire for holidays

Amazon's Kindle Fire is a Catch-22 for retailers: The $199 tablet computer could both help Christmas traffic and hurt future sales.


Strong sales lift profits at HP

Strong sales lift profits at HP

Hewlett-Packard raises its outlook for its financial year after strong sales over the Christmas period lifted its profits by 25%.


It Was a Facebook Christmas; Site Hits #1 in US For First Time

It Was a Facebook Christmas; Site Hits #1 in US For First Time

Christmas is a holiday that brings people together, so perhaps it should be no surprise that Facebook has become a part of millions of peoples' Christmas experiences. For the first time in its history, Facebook was the #1 most visited website in the United States on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year, according to traffic analyst firm Hitwise today.


Digital Revolution? Kindle Ebooks Outsell Real Books on Christmas

Digital Revolution? Kindle Ebooks Outsell Real Books on Christmas

Last month, Amazon’s Kindle broke sales records as it was once again a hot item to give this holiday season. When countless people turned on their new Christmas Kindles for the first time yesterday, what do you think was the first thing that they did? That’s right: they bought ebooks to fill up their Kindle hard drives. A lot of them.


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