Senh: I was wondering what "accounting gain" meant. It sounds like one of those abstract accounting practices that gets companies in trouble. But apparently all that meant was that the value of their liabilities are lower, and they have to report that as a gain. It sounds like a one-off though, and not something they can reproduce over time.
Senh: Sure, Yahoo! might not be growing, but at least it's stable, and it's still one of the top properties on the web. As long as it's turning a profit, and it continues to turn a profit, it's doing ok. Not everyone can be the new hot thing like Facebook. Sure, Facebook is growing in users, but it's revenue is still significantly behind Yahoo's. Will it ever catches up to Yahoo? Not sure, Facebook is already the most visited site in the U.S. How much bigger can it get? It's revenue is still low in proportion to its traffic.