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News Corp. Unloading MySpace. So What's It Worth? A Timeline

News Corp. Unloading MySpace. So What's It Worth? A Timeline

News Corp. isn’t ready to pull the plug on MySpace just yet, but it is prepared to cut the cord. CEO Mike Jones told employees yesterday that the media conglomerate is “exploring strategic options” for the past-its-prime social network. That could mean a sale, a merger (Yahoo could be a candidate) or a spinoff. The last scenario is the most likely, reports The Wall Street Journal.


Facebook's CEO visits China's top search engine

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg toured the offices of China's top search engine Monday during a visit that has sparked speculation the social networking magnate is looking for business opportunities in the world's largest Internet market.


Mark Zuckerberg named Time 'Person of Year'

Mark Zuckerberg named Time 'Person of Year'

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2010.


No 'F' Bombs From Carol Bartz At Web 2.0

But the Yahoo CEO's feisty personality was on display at the tech confab Tuesday.


Ballmer Sells $1.34 Billion in Microsoft Stock

Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer sold $1.34 billion of Microsoft shares in recent days, his first share sales in the company since 2003.


Why Twitter’s C.E.O. Demoted Himself

Evan Williams may embody a classic Silicon Valley type: the entrepreneur with good ideas for a start-up, but not the leader to execute a sophisticated business strategy.


HP board's selection of new CEO raises new doubts

HP board's selection of new CEO raises new doubts

Hewlett-Packard Co.'s board upset many investors when it forced out Mark Hurd as CEO nearly two months ago. Now, those directors appear to have baffled Wall Street with its selection of HP's new leader - Leo Apotheker, who lost his job running German business software maker SAP earlier this year after he didn't live up to expectations.


iPad Dominating Laptop Sales at Best Buy

iPad Dominating Laptop Sales at Best Buy

Buried in a story on Best Buy's retail strategy, CEO Brian Dunn mentioned a startling fact: Internal estimates showed that the iPad had cannibalized sales from laptop PCs by as much as 50%.


HP sues ex-CEO Hurd for taking Oracle job

HP sues ex-CEO Hurd for taking Oracle job

Hewlett-Packard is filing a lawsuit against former CEO Mark Hurd to prevent him from joining rival Oracle.

Senh: Aparrently, Mark Hurd did a great a great job at HP, except for the sexual harassment lawsuit. A company's loss is another's gain. Oracle didn't take long to snap him up. I guess it's morally passable since the sexual harassment lawsuit was settled, and the "victim" had some nice things to say about him.


Disgraced HP CEO to get about $28m in cash, stock

Lauded for making Hewlett-Packard Co. the world's biggest technology company, CEO Mark Hurd was in talks for a new contract worth about $100 million, according to a person familiar with the negotiations.

Senh: Mark Hurd apparently did a pretty good job at the helm of HP, but sex got in the way.


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