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It's Political: Sarah Palin Joins Twitter

It's happened: America's favorite Tina Fey character - Sarah Palin, former Republican Vice Presidential nominee - has joined Twitter. With the handle AKGovSarahPalin, Palin jumped on the social phenomena the other day and has started posting things like Alaska's swine flu status and her staff being misquoted.


Hacker: I Broke Into Twitter

Hacker: I Broke Into Twitter

A French hacker posts 13 screenshots of a Twitter product manager's admin interface to prove the claim.


Hiring Of New MySpace CEO Settles Many Old Scores

Hiring Of New MySpace CEO Settles Many Old Scores

MySpace parent company News Corp. continues to leak, off record, that Owen Van Natta is in the final stages of becoming the new CEO of MySpace (one of the more obvious candidates on our list yesterday).


MySpace CEO Departure: The Email To Employees

Here's the email that Jonathan Miller, News Corp.'s CEO Digital Medial, sent to all Fox Interactive employees about the departure of MySpace cofounder and CEO Chris DeWolfe. DeWolfe is gone.


Is Twitter getting too big, too fast?

David Bill isn't annoyed when Twitter gets so bogged down with traffic that he can't post a message.


YouTube Near Deal With Disney

YouTube and Disney are close to a deal to distribute video clips from ABC, ESPN and other Disney properties on the video-sharing site.


Girl posts nude pics, is charged with kid porn

A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on — charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.


Milwaukee Bucks tell Charlie Villanueva not to Twitter during games anymore

Bucks forward Charlie Villanueva got a talking-to from coach Scott Skiles after the coach learned Villanueva posted a message to his Twitter feed -- a "tweet" -- from his mobile phone during halftime of Sunday's home victory over the Celtics.


Deleting Online Accounts: A How-To On Quitting MySpace, Facebook And Others

Deleting Online Accounts: A How-To On Quitting MySpace, Facebook And Others

The words "I wish I could quit you" take on a whole new meaning when you want out of a relationship with an online service.

Sure, you once thought you and Facebook or MySpace would be together forever, but eventually terms of service change, end-user license agreements mature, and, well, you're just not in the same place anymore.

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Social networking more popular than e-mail

Social networking more popular than e-mail

Social networking has overtaken e-mail as the most popular Internet activity, according to a new study released by Nielsen.


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