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Celebrity-stalking Site JustSpotted Just Got Spurned by Twitter

JustSpotted plans to sift through people’s tweets to identify those that claim celebrity spottings, and then to place those celebrities’ whereabouts on a map in real time. It would be similar to the now-defunct GawkerStalker, but it would be faster. (It’s not a novel idea. Last year, start-up OMGICU proposed to do the same thing, supported by text messaging and tweets, except its service requires active user participation rather than data-mining the whole Twitter community like JustSpotted will do.)


How to Earn and Blow $2.5 Million Before Your 22nd Birthday

How to Earn and Blow $2.5 Million Before Your 22nd Birthday

Web entrepreneur Andrew Fashion made $2.5 million by the age of 21 helping people bling out their MySpace pages. He blew it all before he turned 22. Meet Andrew and learn where his money went.


Facebook Credits, Now Widely Deployed, Nearly Ready for Primetime: Tech News «

Facebook Credits, Now Widely Deployed, Nearly Ready for Primetime: Tech News «

Facebook has done a remarkable job of getting developers to adopt its Credits virtual currency before the program was fully fledged. Today that company announced a partnership with PlaySpan to add 20 additional ways for users to pay for credits and plans to accelerate rollout.


Facebook Lets Users Download Their Data: Why It's a Big Deal

It's smart, it's helpful and users will be grateful.


Facebook Lets Users Interact in Small Groups

Facebook Lets Users Interact in Small Groups

Facebook users can determine what groups of friends see what information.


Is Digg About to Unbury the Bury Button?

If a recent poll from Digg founder Kevin Rose is any indication, Digg is considering bringing back the Bury button.


Rogue server blocked Foursquare

Mobile check-in app Foursquare's Monday outage happened after staff tried to fix one problem and somehow triggered another.


Facebook Down: Outage Could Be Precursor To Redesign

Facebook Down: Outage Could Be Precursor To Redesign

Facebook is down and has been experiencing outages since about midnight Eastern Time tonight, Oct. 5, 2010.Many Twitter users are reporting the outage, with hundreds of tweets appearing about it in minutes. confirms the downtime, with the first widespread problems starting about 11:52 p.m. EST.


Facebook to split soaring shares

Facebook plans to split each of highly priced shares into five to help cut their price - the third time the company has done so.


Twitter Promotes Promoted Trends To The Top Of Trends

Sometime in the past few hours, Twitter made a subtle, but not insignificant change: their Promoted Trends are now appearing at the top of the Trends area on


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