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Apple to Unveil IPhone 5 on October 4

Apple plans to unveil the iPhone 5 on October 4, and sell it in stores a few weeks later. The Cupertino, Calif.-based company's CEO Tim Cook will introduce the next iPhone, according to AllThingsD. Analysts speculate the phone may be made available as early as one week after it?s revealed.


Apple to announce iPhone 5 on October 4?

Apple to announce iPhone 5 on October 4?

Apple's new CEO Tim Cook will announce the much-anticipated iPhone 5 on October 4, according to All Things D. Rumors and hints about the iPhone 5 have circled the internet for months, but a late September or early October date has always been anticipated. All Things D cited anonymous sources "close to the situation." While anonymous sources like this usually are greeted with a healthy skepticism, we've expected a fall announcement long enough that the sources seem credible. After all, Deutsche Telekom is already taking preorders for the new smartphone.


RadioShack to Carry Nook

RadioShack will begin selling Barnes & Noble Nook e-readers next month. The retailer already carries iPads and Kindles.


Apple stock hits record high, bucking trend

High-flying Apple stock hit yet another record high Monday on a day when stocks were generally under pressure due to uncertainty about the European debt crisis.


Samsung Widens Patent Dispute With Apple

Samsung filed a countersuit against Apple in Australia, alleging iPhone smartphones and the iPad 2 violate multiple wireless-technology patents it holds.


iPhone 5 arriving by mid-October, say sources

iPhone 5 arriving by mid-October, say sources

A "fairly different" and quite attractive iPhone 5 should be in stores by mid-October, say sources cited in three reputable publications.


RIM Blows It Again, Lowering Estimates

RIM Blows It Again, Lowering Estimates

In each of the last three quarters the company has missed its own revenues expectations. RIM’s situation now resembles the struggles that Nokia faces as both have failed to mount any credible challenge to the dominance of Apple and Google in the smartphone and tablet markets.


Sharp Scales Back Tablets

In the latest sign of Apple's firm grip on the tablet computer market, Sharp Corp. said it will scale back sales of its Galapagos tablet later this month.


Best Buy Net Drops 30%

Best Buy's profit fell 30% as same-store sales continued to slide. The electronics retailer also revised its full-year earnings view.


How the iPhone will ruin your love life

Your iPhone has a feature called auto-correct and that's fine, dandy and useful — except when it results in humiliation and canceled dates.


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