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Sony sees $2.9 billion loss, reveals daunting task for new CEO

Japan's ailing electronics giant, Sony Corp, warned investors on Thursday it was heading for a worse-than-expected $2.9 billion annual loss, revealing the daunting task ahead for its incoming chief executive, Kazuo Hirai.


Amazon stays frustratingly silent on Kindle Fire sales data

Kindle Fire

With the rumblings from Amazon about the early success of its new Kindle Fire over the holiday season, the company’s disappointing fourth quarter results came as a surprise. More surprising was Amazon’s silence regarding total Kindle Fire sales for the quarter. During the earnings call, Amazon’s executive team deferred questions about the device to the press release, which simply regurgitated sales data from December.

Senh: I've always wondered why the company refuse to separate the sales figures for each Kindle device. It's obvious that they have something to hide regarding the Kindle Fire. As a public company, aren't they required to published these figures for their stockholders?


Analyst: China could bring 57M iPhone bump by 2013

Apple's iPhone was a hot seller in the company's first fiscal quarter of 2012, but that's nothing compared to what one analyst predicts we could see in just a couple of years' time. Morgan Stanley thinks Apple's efforts in China could pay big dividends by 2013.


Amazon Sold 6M Kindle Fires In Q4, Analyst Estimates

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire is…on fire. Despite some mixed reviews from the pundit class, consumers have flocked to Amazon‘s first entry into the tablet market. Stifel Nicolas analyst Jordan Rohan in a new research lifted his estimate for the company fourth quarter Fire sales to 6 million units from 5 million. He also raised his financial estimates for the company, asserting that the Kindle and the Kindle Fire have effectively become the third major mobile ecosystem after Apple iOS and Google Android.


Apple's Secrets Reveal Consumer Focus

Steve Jobs

A new book examines Apple from the inside out, revealing details about the company’s level of detail that continue to give it an edge in the market. “Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired-and Secretive-Company Really Works,” by Adam Lashinsky, senior editor-at-large at Forbes, shares highly guarded secrets about the company’s development and design processes, as well as insight into former founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who passed away in October of last year.

Senh: My question is how does the writer who is an editor at Forbes know about Apple's secrets? It didn't say anywhere if he had worked for Apple in the past. UPDATE: Great, Forbes did one of their disappearing tricks again. The article is gone from their servers.


Apple debuts e-book publishing app

Apple Unveils Textbook Publishing App

Apple on Thursday lifted the veil on its plans to remake the educational landscape in a way that centers on its best-selling tablet computer, the iPad. "Education is deep in Apple's DNA and iPad may be our most exciting education product yet," Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of marketing, said in a statement.


Samsung says no interest in buying troubled RIM

Samsung Electronics Co said on Wednesday it was not interested in buying ailing Blackberry maker Research In Motion or licensing its operating system, refuting a tech blog report that RIM was seeking to sell itself to the South Korean technology giant.


Apple To Announce Tools, Platform To ‘Digitally Destroy’ Textbook Publishing


Apple is slated to announce the fruits of its labor on improving the use of technology in education at its special media event on Thursday, January 19. While speculation has so far centered on digital textbooks, sources close to the matter have confirmed to Ars that Apple will announce tools to help create interactive e-books—the “GarageBand for e-books,” so to speak—and expand its current platform to distribute them to iPhone and iPad users.


As demand for e-books soars, libraries struggle to stock their virtual shelves


Kindles, Nooks and iPads can do many amazing things, but they can’t bump you ahead in line at the Reston Regional Library. In fact, if you want to borrow a book, it may be quicker to put down your sleek new device and head into the stacks.


Apple Reveals Its Suppliers for First Time


Apple disclosed a list of its major suppliers for the first time and said its inspections found they were in compliance with its maximum 60-hour work week only 38% of the time.


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