Economy, Recession | featured news

Germany, France exit recession early

Germany and France enjoyed a shock return to economic growth in the second quarter of the year, data showed on Thursday, ending their recessions earlier than many policymakers and economists had expected.


Congress OKs $2B refill of 'cash for clunkers'

Congress OKs $2B refill of 'cash for clunkers'

Pedal to the metal, Congress sent President Barack Obama legislation Thursday night with an additional $2 billion for "cash for clunkers," the economy-boosting rebate program that caught the fancy of car buyers and instantly increased sales for an auto industry long mired in recession.


July Remained Sluggish for Retailers

July Remained Sluggish for Retailers

Mall-based chains continue to be hit hardest as consumers focus on necessities, but the warehouse club operator Costco’s results also missed analyst estimates.


White House: U.S. Has Avoided Depression - Obama Ventures to Indiana in Defense of Stimulus

White House: U.S. Has Avoided Depression - Obama Ventures to Indiana in Defense of Stimulus

A White House spokesman said Wednesday that the United States has avoided falling off an economic cliff, citing as evidence a new report showing factory orders rose in June for the fourth time in five months, an unexpected gain and the latest sign that the ailing manufacturing sector is recovering.


Geithner refuses to rule out tax increases

Geithner refuses to rule out tax increases

The U.S. economy is no longer on the edge of collapse, but Americans must reduce the budget deficit, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Sunday.


GDP report is likely to show recession eased in 2Q

GDP report is likely to show recession eased in 2Q

The recession likely eased in the spring, with the U.S. economy no longer in free-fall. Many analysts predict that when the Commerce Department releases its first estimate of second-quarter activity Friday, it will say the economy shrank at a 1.5 percent pace from April though June. If they are correct, it would mark a vast improvement from the 5.9 percent annualized drop recorded over the prior six months – the weakest showing in 50 years.


Loan losses drag on Wells Fargo, other big banks

Several major U.S. banks, led by Wells Fargo & Co, said the troubled economy drove credit losses higher, reducing profitability in the second quarter.


Which cities will and won’t recover fastest

Which cities will and won’t recover fastest

The three most important things in real estate: location, location, location.


Pace of Decline Seems to Have Slowed, Fed Chief Says

Despite the positive signs, Ben S. Bernanke told lawmakers, the labor market remains weak, and interest rates will likely remain low for some time.


Nine Reasons the Economy is Not Getting Better

We are now looking at unemployment numbers that undermine any confidence that we might be nearing the bottom of the recession. The appropriate metaphor is not the green shoots of new growth. A better image is to look at the true total of jobless people as a prudent navigator looks at an iceberg. These 9 signs suggest that the U.S. recession is even worse than previously thought.


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