California, Southern California | featured news

Petraeus making first speech since leaving CIA

Former CIA director David Petraeus is making his first public speech since resigning in November over an extramarital affair. The former four-star general is scheduled to speak Tuesday night at a University of Southern California event honoring the military.


Earthquake shakes wide area of S. California

An earthquake rolled through a wide swath of Southern California late Monday morning but there were no immediate reports of damage.


Officials hope to ID Dorner in charred remains


With a chase, a raging gun battle, and a blazing cabin fire, the hunt for suspect Christopher Dorner that has kept Southern California in terror for the past week may have come to an end on Tuesday.


Coroner releases new report on Natalie Wood death

Some of the bruises found on Natalie Wood's body may have occurred before the actress drowned in the waters off Southern California more than 30 years ago, according to a newly released coroner's report on one of Hollywood's most mysterious deaths.


Man wearing ornate watch with bomb-making supplies arrested at Oakland airport

Oakland Airport

A Southern California man headed home from a business trip was arrested at Oakland airport Thursday night after federal security agents found bomb-making materials in his elaborate watch, according to a spokesman from the Alameda County Sheriff's Office.


Rotten smell reeks havoc across Southern California

A massive fish die-off in the Salton Sea is the prime suspect in a rotten smell that swept the region, but experts can't recall a bad odor ever traveling so far. When the rotten egg smell wafted into the Santa Clarita United Methodist Church in Saugus on Monday morning, Kathy Gray thought the church's sewer pipe had burst.


So. Calif. wildfires threatening dozens of homes

Southern California wildfires are threatening dozens of homes after burning through more than 19 square miles of brush in the midst of a heat wave.


About 30 earthquakes strike in Southern California 'sequence'

Earthquakes in Southern California

A cluster of earthquakes that began Tuesday night continued Wednesday in northern Orange County, keeping residents on edge but causing little significant damage. Photos emerged of bottles falling off a supermarket shelf in Anaheim Hills, but fire officials said they didn't get reports of anything more serious. At a news conference Wednesday morning, Kate Hutton of the U.S. Geological Survey at Caltech said there had been at least 30 quakes since last night, but only three could be felt by residents.


Woman dressed in scrubs tries to take newborn from a Southern California hospital in tote bag

A woman disguised in scrubs was caught trying to steal a newborn girl from a Southern California hospital in a tote bag after sensors attached to the baby alerted employees, Garden Grove police said.


Girl, 11, fights classmate, dies hours later

Joanna Ramos

After getting her nose bloodied in a fight with another girl near their Southern California elementary school, 11-year-old Joanna Ramos told her mother on the way home she felt sick. Hours later, she was dead....


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