Google, Mobile | featured news

How Android Phones Became a Hit

Android's rise is remarkable for a young OS; here's how it happened and what's next for Google's smartphone entry.

Senh: Impressive indeed. Google kept Android completely open. Any carrier can use their operating system; anyone can create and launch an Android app without getting approval; and its browser supports Flash. Still, I see more people with iPhones than Android devices.


Google stops selling Nexus online

Google stops selling Nexus online

Search giant Google is closing its Web store after just five months and will sell its Nexus smartphone in traditional retail outlets.


HTC Countersues Apple

HTC, the maker of several phones that run on Google's Android platform, has sued Apple for patent infringement, in response to a suit that the iPhone maker filed against HTC weeks ago.

Senh: Now, we're talking. HTC started making cell phones long before Apple came into the scene with the iPhone. So did Nokia, who also counter-sued Apple recently. We'll see who has more lawyer power. At least the lawyers are happy.


Google's iPhone rival gains momentum

Google's iPhone rival gains momentum

Google's mobile platform has a ways to go before it can even think of surpassing the smartphone market share of RIM or Apple, but Android's been buoyed by a flurry of good news that points to greener pastures — although a recent hiccup with Google's would-be flagship phone, the Nexus One, should give the big brains in Mountain View a moment of pause.

Senh: I guess it's official - the Nexus One (aka the Google phone) is a dud. This is a case where they made a great phone, according to the reviews, but just didn't know how to sell it. I REALLY wanted this phone, but couldn't get it.


Google smartphone coming to stores, no Verizon

Google smartphone coming to stores, no Verizon

Google Inc's Nexus One smartphone will be sold in Vodafone retail stores in Britain at the end of the month and the company said there are no longer plans to offer a version of the phone that uses the Verizon Wireless network in the United States.


Apple launches ad system for mobile devices in race with Google

Apple launches ad system for mobile devices in race with Google

CEO Steve Jobs announces the iAd advertising network among features coming this year to its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch line, aiming to tap into an infant market with huge potential.

In a direct attack on Silicon Valley rival Google Inc., Apple Inc.


Google: Mobile services partially blocked in China

Google: Mobile services partially blocked in China

Google Inc said its mobile services have been partially blocked in China for two days, about a week after the company shut its mainland Chinese portal and rerouted Web searches to a Hong Kong site.


At stake for Google in China: Smart phone empire

As the company tangles with the Chinese government, it puts in jeopardy its tentative grip on the cellphone market in a nation where staggering growth in mobile search is expected.

In its public wrangling with the Chinese government, Google Inc.


Microsoft offers first Google Android mobile phone app

Microsoft offers first Google Android mobile phone app

Microsoft releases its first mobile application for phones running the Android operating system from rival Google.


Apple Sues Google Phone Maker

Apple Sues Google Phone Maker

Apple is suing HTC, the maker of several Google-based smart phones, claiming patent infringement on the iPhone's user interface and hardware.


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