Google, Technology | featured news

Yahoo disappoints on revenue forecast

Yahoo Inc delivered tepid third-quarter revenue growth and forecast weaker-than-expected sales in the fourth quarter as it continues to lose market share to rivals like Google Inc.


Google helps finance 'superhighway' for wind power

Internet search engine giant Google Inc. announced Tuesday that it is investing in a mammoth project to build an underwater superhighway for clean energy that would funnel power from offshore wind farms to to 1.9 million homes without overtaxing the already congested mid-Atlantic power grid.


Smarter Than You Think: Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

Smarter Than You Think: Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

Google has been working on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver.


Google TV Announces Its Programming Partners

Google has been in talks with the major TV networks and the major cable and satellite distributors, but it announced only a few concrete partnerships on Monday.


Google Profile for Wopular

I’ve finally replaced the MySpace button with Google Buzz across the site. In order to do that I would have to first create a profile for Wopular on Google. The funny thing was I had actually created a Google profile for Wopular a while back, but had forgotten about it. I only found out when the profile name was taken when I tried to create a new one. Unfortunately, I’ve also forgotten my login/pw for that original profile, but after a while, I figured it out.


Google buys BlindType, Could bring Better Predictive Text to Android

Google buys BlindType, Could bring Better Predictive Text to Android

The technology looks promising as it predicts what you wanna write even by not really paying attention to what you're typing Google scooped up the firm probably to add the technology in Android, let's hope at least they do.


Apple Has Already Approved The Official Google Voice App For iPhone, Expect It Soon

The App Store review office at 1 Infinite Loop has officially frozen over: we've gotten word that the official Google Voice application is on its way to the iPhone in the next few weeks. In fact, we've heard from a source close to Google that it's already been approved — Google just needs to revamp the application to work with the iPhone 4 and iOS's multitasking capabilities. If you're a Google Voice user and you're on an iPhone, this is great news.

It's been a long, long road to get here.


Google creates censorship map

Google is keeping a check on censorship levels around the globe with a map showing which countries asked the search engine for user information.


Google Gets 80% You-Got-Squashed-By-Facebook-Discount On MySpace Search Deal

Google is set to renew its search deal with MySpace at a more “realistic” price than the $900 million guarantee it paid out four years ago, Kara Swisher reported yesterday.

Senh: Heh, Google got jipped four years ago because they bought into the hype. The click-through rates on social networking sites are too low compared to content sites, so Google overpaid.


Google fires engineer in privacy breach

Google confirmed on Tuesday that it fired an employee earlier this year for violating its policies on accessing the accounts of its users.


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