Google, Technology | featured news

Judge Dismisses Apple vs. Google Smartphone Patent Case


A federal judge in Chicago, Ill. has thrown the Apple-Motorola Mobility smartphone patent case out the courtroom window and locked the window behind it, making sure it never finds its way back inside his court.


Governments asking Google to remove more content


U.S. authorities are leading the charge as governments around the world pepper Google with more demands to remove online content and turn over information about people using its Internet search engine, YouTube video site and other services.


Redesigned YouTube rolling out to some users, reflects the influence of Google+

From the looks of this screenshot posted by one of our readers, it appears YouTube is testing a new homepage styled more like the look that recently rolled out on Google+. The current default look rolled out last winter with more focus on channels and social integration, while this new facade features more white space and list of channels and friends to the side. We asked YouTube about the new look and a spokesperson issued a boilerplate statement about experimenting with ways to help users find the videos that are important to them. The statement in full is after the break, however the key part is that they're listening to user feedback so take a close look at this pic and the rest at the source link below then let us (and Google) know what you think.


Yelp serves restaurant reviews to Microsoft's Bing

Yelp is feeding its online reviews of restaurants and other local merchants to Microsoft's Bing search engine in a move to compete against Zagat ratings on Google.


End of dot-com era? New suffixes would allow companies to expand brands on Web

Internet Suffixes

If Google has its way, you won't need to type "" any more to do your searches. You can simply access the search engine at ".Google." Google's bid for ".Google" as an Internet suffix is among about 2,000 proposals submitted as part of the largest expansion of the Internet address system since its creation in the 1980s. Google Inc. also wants to add ".YouTube" and ".lol" - the digital shorthand for "laugh out loud." Others want approval for ".doctor," ".music" and ".bank."


Six-year Google Books spat ends

Google Books

Google has reached a deal with a publishing group to allow the scanning and publishing of books online - ending a six-year legal battle. A court ruled in 2009 that the search company was in breach of copyright infringement after it digitised a number of French books.


Judge Tentatively Dismisses Apple/Motorola Patent Case

U.S. Circuit Court Judge Richard Posner has tentatively decided to dismiss the ongoing patent litigation between Apple and Google’s newly acquired Motorola Mobility unit, the Wall Street Journal reports. A trial in the case had been scheduled to start Monday.


Google Turns Tables on Government Monitors

Google rolled out a new warning for accounts it believes are the targets of "state-sponsored attackers," spurring discussion among a number of Chinese activists who said they received the alert.


Google Inc. to buy Meebo Inc. for $100 million

Google Inc. in Mountain View has agreed to buy Meebo Inc., a startup that helps online publishers make their websites more social. Meebo, founded in 2005, announced the agreement Monday on its blog.


Is Microsoft Going After Google With IE10?

Internet Explorer

Last Thursday, Microsoft announced several new features to the upcoming IE10, which will launch as part of Windows 8. One of these features, which turns on “Do Not Track” by default, has caused quite a stir over the weekend as new outlets and bloggers have discussed the potential benefits and ramifications of this feature.


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