War In Afghanistan, Afghanistan | featured news

Taliban militants attack Afghan capital; 5 killed

Taliban militants attack Afghan capital; 5 killed

After explosions and gun battles rock Kabul for three hours, President Karzai says order is restored. The attack is launched on the day that confirmed Cabinet members are sworn in.

KABUL — Taliban militants struck in the heart of the Afghan capital today, launching suicide attacks on key government targets in a clear sign the insurgents plan to escalate their fight as the U.S. and its allies ramp up a campaign to end the war.


LIVESHOTS: Signs of Optimism in Afghanistan

LIVESHOTS: Signs of Optimism in Afghanistan

For most of the past year, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American military commander in Afghanistan, described the situation in the war torn nation “as serious and deteriorating.”


CIA bomber's wife says war must go on against US

The Turkish wife of a Jordanian doctor who killed seven CIA employees in a suicide attack in Afghanistan says her husband was outraged over the treatment of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison and the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan....


CIA bomber was a Jordanian double agent, ex-spy official says

CIA bomber was a Jordanian double agent, ex-spy official says

The suicide attacker killed eight people at a CIA compound in Afghanistan last week. He had been recruited to help U.S. spy agencies penetrate Al Qaeda, a former U.S. intelligence official says.


Pakistan Taliban claim attack on CIA

The Pakistani Taliban claims they used a turncoat CIA operative for the suicide bombing that killed seven CIA employees in Afghanistan as revenge for a militant leader's death.


Number of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan doubles in 2009

Number of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan doubles in 2009

The year's tally was 319, compared with 155 in 2008, due mostly to the crude but ever larger and deadlier roadside bombs built by the Taliban.


Afghan Taliban say post video of captive U.S. soldier

The Afghan Taliban said on Friday that they had issued a new video tape of a U.S. soldier who was captured this summer, and added that in it he asks his government to take part in a prisoner exchange deal.


Senate approves $636 billion military spending bill

Senate approves $636 billion military spending bill

The U.S. Senate approved a $636 billion military spending bill on Saturday that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and also includes money to extend jobless aid and Medicare payment rates for two months.


Al Qaeda offers 'condolences' to victims

Al Qaeda offers 'condolences' to victims

On the heels of a U.S. announcement of a massive troop surge for Afghanistan, an al Qaeda spokesman Saturday appeared to be trying to improve the group's image in the region with a new audio message in English.


Obama confronts Nobel paradox

Obama confronts Nobel paradox

President accepts prize days after announcing plan to deploy 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.


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