Microsoft, Video Game Console | featured news

Xbox Kinect's new games revealed

Microsoft has just announced the 17 games that will be available on launch day with Kinect for Xbox 360, the tech giant's highly anticipated controller-free gaming system.


Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft Claims Huge Demand for the New 360

Microsoft is claiming that retailers are seeing “unprecedented demand” for the redesigned Xbox 360.


Microsoft Kinect to hit stores Nov. 4

Microsoft Kinect to hit stores Nov. 4

If Microsoft has its way, we all will be playing video games by moving our bodies instead of holding remotes starting November 4.


Microsoft Launches Newer, Slimmer Version of Xbox 360

Today at its Xbox 360 media event in Los Angeles, Microsoft dropped a big piece of news: the launch of a slimmer version of the Xbox 360,…


Microsoft Shakes Up Consumer Products Unit

Microsoft Shakes Up Consumer Products Unit

Microsoft disclosed a series of management changes on Tuesday that will alter the shape of its business unit responsible for products like the Zune music player, Xbox gaming console and phones.


Netflix on PlayStation 3: The Great Sony-Microsoft Equalizer

Surprising no one, really, streaming video maven Netflix will roll out its online TV and movie rental service to North America's nearly 10 million PlayStation 3 owners in November. Sony will announce the deal later today in an action that knocks one of the Xbox 360's "exclusive" pillars out from under Microsoft's games platform.


Microsoft discusses Wii-esque Project Natal branding

Microsoft discusses Wii-esque Project Natal branding

While we may be nervous about Microsoft's Project Natal branding strategy -- remember, that's just a codename -- the suits in Redmond share no such concern. That's because the Natal project is following Nintendo's lead in more ways than just easy-to-play, motion-based technology.


Microsoft cuts price of high-end Xbox 360 by $100

Microsoft cuts price of high-end Xbox 360 by $100

On Thursday, Microsoft confirmed weeks of speculation by formally announcing a $100 price drop of its Elite model Xbox 360 console, now set at the competitive $299 price point.


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