Don Knight can’t wait any longer. It’s been two years of waiting. Two years of pain. Two years too long. Pamela Sue Knight, 59, Don’s wife, died from injuries suffered Feb. 8, 2018, only four months after the Department of Children and Family Services worker from Sterling was beaten into a coma by the father of a child she tried to take into protective custody. The safety guidelines put into place by DCFS in the wake of Pam’s death still leave workers at risk, from Don’s perspective. Some of the root causes of bad outcomes for DCFS workers and kids in the child welfare system – overworked and undersupported DCFS caseworkers, weak safety protocols, a revolving door of caseworkers with varied standards and a state government unable to agree on even simple changes – remain, a Shaw Media Illinois investigation found. “I think things have died off some, man,” Knight said.