Stories Related to 'synthetic' Marijuana Is Problem For Us Military

Spice: Synthetic Marijuana

U.S. troops are increasingly using an easy-to-get herbal mix called "Spice," which mimics a marijuana high and can bring on hallucinations that last for days.

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  • Ore. smokejumpers skydive into illegal pot garden
    A team of smokejumpers parachuting into a fire in the mountains of Southern Oregon landed in an illegal marijuana garden being prepared for growing season. The six smokejumpers from a base in Redmond found the site Monday evening, when there was a rash of lightning strikes. More
  • Cancer Physicians Attack High Drug Costs
    More than 100 cancer specialists have banded together to persuade pharmaceutical companies to bring prices down, suggesting that the high prices for medicine needed to keep someone alive is profiteering. More
  • Swedish police find drugs on Bieber tour bus
    The latest chapter in Justin Bieber's European tour escapade was added Thursday when Swedish police said they had found drugs and a stun gun on the pop singer's bus. Lars Bystrom, spokesman for the Stockholm police, told The Associated Press a small amount of drugs and a stun gun were discovered during a search of the bus, which had been parked under the Globen concert venue in Stockholm, where Bieber was performing Wednesday. More
  • Police confiscate 4-foot, 2-pound marijuana joint
    California police confiscated a mammoth joint during a 4/20 pot rally on Saturday, reports the Los Angeles Times. As the paper notes, hundreds of UC Santa Cruz students gather each year for the event, and each year campus police confiscate things like bongs and dime bags. More
  • President Obama Ends Reagan’s War On Drugs: Policy Will Now Focus On Prevention And Neuroscience
    Being a college student at the time, I clearly remember when Nancy Reagan and the conservative wave in national government helped usher in the nation’s War on Drugs in the 1980s. Television news images of drug busts, large and small, along with the wholesale arrests and stiffer sentencing for anyone even suspected of drug involvement sent a clear message that government intended to empty the streets and fill the prisons until drugs were no more. More
  • Most US teens are abstaining from drinking, smoking and marijuana, survey says
    Teen drug use hasn’t rebounded from its drop during the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic. That's according to the results from a large annual national survey released Tuesday.
    12/17/2024 - 3:06 am | View Link
  • Link between marijuana use & heart health risks
    Research suggests cannabis use may raise your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Dr. Christine Jellis is a cardiologist with Cleveland Clinic hospitals and she explains what this research found and ...
    12/13/2024 - 3:15 am | View Link
  • Talk to kids about risks of marijuana use | Opinion
    "The adolescent brain, which continues developing into the mid-20s, is particularly vulnerable to marijuana’s effects," the executive director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey writes.
    12/12/2024 - 7:15 am | View Link
  • Outright THC ban is the wrong way to get at Texas’ marijuana problem
    We do need a deeper understanding of the relationship between legal hemp and marijuana. But we believe lawmakers can come up with more measured ...
    12/9/2024 - 7:00 pm | View Link
  • Growing Problems? Minnesota Cities Grapple With New Marijuana Laws
    Local municipal government are having to work on marijuana ordinances ahead of the '25 roll out of marijuana sales.
    12/4/2024 - 12:01 am | View Link
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