The swine flu is very unfortunately upon us, and if you're like many, you're asking yourself what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Some very standard things apply: 1) Stay home as much as possible. 2) Avoid public places unnecessarily. 3) Wash your hands frequently, and keep your hands from your face. 4) Get some surgical face masks and wear one when you need to be in public places, even if you feel a little foolish and until others have caught on. The above is all pretty basic stuff, I'm going to offer more as well.

Sections:  living   
Topics:  flu   swine flu   
  • WHO data on bird flu raises new questions about human transmission
    More than 50 percent of patients infected with a new type of bird flu in China had no contact with poultry, the World Health Organization said on Friday, further raising questions about whether the virus was transmitted between humans. More
  • New strain of bird flu virus kills 14 people in China
    China reported another death and three new infections from a new strain of avian influenza known as H7N9 on Monday, bringing the total death toll to 14 and the number of infections to 63, the official Xinhua News Agency said. More
  • Chinese colonel claims new bird flu strain is a biological weapon from US
    As cases of H7N9 continue to grow in China, one Chinese Air Force officer is blaming the outbreak not on genetic mutations – but on the United States government. In a post on his blog Saturday, People’s Liberation Army Sr. More
  • China Escalates Response to Avian Flu Outbreak
    With confirmation that a sixth person has died from a mysterious avian-borne virus, Chinese officials escalated their response on Friday, advising people to avoid live poultry, dispatching virologists to chicken farms across the country and slaughtering more than 20,000 birds at a wholesale market in Shanghai where the virus, known as H7N9, was detected in a pigeon. More
  • New bird flu strain causes fifth death in China
    A middle-aged man who transported poultry for a living and another unidentified person have died from a new strain of bird flu, bringing the death toll to five among 14 confirmed cases in China, the government and state media reported Thursday. More
  • Ways to protect your pets from the bird flu
    With the bird flu on the rise, pet owners should take extra steps to keep their animals safe. The President of the SPCALA said people should try and keep their pets inside and be careful of dead birds ...
    12/20/2024 - 3:44 am | View Link
  • Scientists design workaround that improves response to flu vaccine
    Stitching together four molecules found in the standard flu vaccine ensures an immune response to all of them, scientists have shown.
    12/20/2024 - 12:26 am | View Link
  • Swine Flu News
    Scientists Develop 20-Subtype mRNA Flu Vaccine to Protect Against Future Flu Pandemics Nov. 25, 2022 — An experimental mRNA-based vaccine against all 20 known subtypes of influenza virus ...
    12/18/2024 - 11:00 am | View Link
  • Elderly must take precautions during cold weather, say doctors
    With a severe drop in temperatures and cold wave conditions persisting across the state, doctors have advised citizens, especially the elderly and children, to observe precautions and protect ...
    12/17/2024 - 5:35 am | View Link
  • Stay Healthy and Protect Loved Ones from the Flu This Holiday Season
    The County recently reported 761 new flu cases, a sharp increase from the 468 cases logged the previous week. This represents the largest week-to-week jump in flu cases so far this season, which ...
    12/16/2024 - 4:25 pm | View Link
  • More


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