Things look pretty bleak for chances of survival in Northeast Ohio should a zombie apocalypse hit.A study of the nation’s 53 largest metropolitan areas of a million or more humans available for zombie consumption looked at everything from containing the spread of zombies to chances of finding a cure to having an adequate food supply.In the grim and final end, Northeast Ohio’s rank at 40 was on the low end of the 53 metropolitan areas studied in terms of being a great place to weather a zombie crisis, according to a CareerBuilder study that looked at data from Economic Modeling Specialists International.The study found that Northeast Ohioans should clog Interstate 71 — Walking Dead style — and head south and seek shelter in Columbus.The state’s capital ranked as the third best metropolitan area in the country to wait out the zombie onslaught — it seems Ohio State Buckeyes are tough to eat.The study measured the occupational skills and industry characteristics and other data to measure an area’s ability to fend off your run-of-the-mill “flesh-eating virus transmitted via biting or contact with infected blood.”The best place to be in the zombie crisis is Boston followed by Salt Lake City then our own Columbus.Ohio’s capital was credited with having the right mix of “skills, population density and industry resources.”The top three cities to avoid, according to the study, were New York City then Tampa and lastly Los Angeles.According to the study, Northeast Ohio’s Akron and Cleveland should fare well in terms of having an ample supply of food and a good potential for defense with a high percentage of workers with law enforcement and military backgrounds.The study found will not go down without a fight.