The informational Q&A on Facebook Live hosted by two State Department bureaucrats expounding on the intricacies of traveling with children overseas would have hardly made a splash in any other year, perhaps. But coming as it did in the midst of an emotional week riven by a heated discussion about the practice of separating children from parents who cross the border illegally and placing them in detention centers, the State Departments’s #FamilyTravelHacks Q&A did not quite go as planned. “Ask us your questions in the comments discussion section of this event or in the comments of the live video,” the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs requested, saying that “Carl and Kim from Passport Services” would share lots of tips for family travel, “and we’ll do our best to answer them!” But the questioning Tuesday quickly took an unexpected turn. “What tips do you have to beat the heat for toddlers imprisoned in a concentration camp in Texas in 100+ degree heat?” wrote Matt Schneider.