Saif Ali Khan, Famed Bollywood Actor, Is Stabbed at Home in Mumbai The police said Mr. Khan was recovering in the hospital after an intruder attacked him. He sustained a major injury to his spinal cord, a doctor said. 01/16/2025 - 5:12 am | View Link
The stars of "Sing Sing," "Ghostlight," and "Saturday Night" share why they think some of the most celebrated films of the year have starred actors playing actors.
The legendary film critic, who appears this weekend at New York's Metrograph in conversation, tells IndieWire about his issues with 10-best lists and where his massive DVD collection ended up.
Allison Anders and Kurt Voss' comedy set in the music industry was a Sundance crowd-pleaser in 1999, but 26 years later, it's impossible to find on either DVD or streaming. That needs to change.