Stories Related to She Was Raped And Got Pregnant. Then The Rapist Sued For Parental Rights.

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Topics:  abortion   legitimate rape   pregnancy   rape   todd akin   women   
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    Reese Witherspoon recalled that she panicked, said some "crazy things" and even claimed to be pregnant the night she was arrested in Atlanta on a disorderly conduct charge. More
  • Abnormal placenta may reveal newborn's autism risk
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  • 2nd arrest in alleged rape of 5-year-old
    Indian police have arrested a second man in connection with the alleged rape of a 5-year-old girl in New Delhi, a police spokesman said Monday. The second suspect is accused of being an accomplice in the case, which has prompted protests in the streets of New Delhi. More
  • Social media: A new way to rape
    Fifteen-year-old Audrie Pott got drunk at a party and passed out. What happened next, according to her family, was that she was sexually assaulted by multiple young men, who took photos and circulated them in their high school of more than 1,000 students. More


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